Monday, August 23, 2010

Stay Out of The Splash Zone

A quick little story about Savannah... 2 days ago, after seeing a show,  Justin, Kevin, and I arrived at Steve's to take Savannah out for her evening walk.  Lately, she has been pretty good about not doing her business on the floors in the apartment when left alone, but it had been over 4 hours since we last saw her so we were expecting the worst.
Fortunately, when we arrived everything was clean and dry.  Now for the tricky part... you see Savannah, like all other puppies gets extremely excited when visitors arrive.  And when she gets excited, her little bladder struggles to hold in the pee she has already held in for hours.  So I cautiously and nonchalantly approached the dog and her wagging tail as she laid on Steve's bed.  Next, I gently grabbed her and picked her up (vagina out--as to stay out of the spray zone) to carry her down stairs.
Much to Kevin's dismay (because he would later be sleeping in that bed), we found a rather large wet spot on the comforter. Well Kevin whined, and off in the distant bathroom, the sounds of Justin's evil laugh took hold.  Through the bathroom door, Justin had caught wind of what had happened to Kevin's bed.  And through the bathroom door, we caught wind of schadenfreude (German word for: joy in others pain) at its finest.
A good laugh was had and Justin came out of the bathroom just as I was lugging Savannah to the front door (still vagina out mind you, to take no chances).
Justin approached Savannah as if to congratulate her on the triumphant peeing of the bed.  And just as he did, he entered the splash zone.  Yes my friends, Justin, who had just laughed his schadenfreude ass off at Kevin had entered the splash zone.  Sensing this, Savannah began to wag her tail to start the process.  Next she let go of her bladder muscles and let gravity take hold.  Soon the pee was spraying out.  And just in case the initial spray didn't get Justin, which it did, she made sure her tail acted as one of those old sprinkler that go..."choo, choo, choo, choo, tatatatatatatata, choo, choo choo..."  It was priceless.  The dog had successfully pissed on Justin's face and I was overcome with a case of schadenfreude.
On the way down the stairs, Savannah gave me a little kiss on the cheek as if she was saying, "you're welcome."
What did we learn today?  Vagina out and stay out of the splash zone!!!