Well today I was caught in my first summer downpour. After brunch at a slightly over-rated spot on the westside (nothing has yet to compare to Kimmie's on the other westside--California that is), we took the subway down to Midtown to take over our Savannah shift as Kevin had left his post with the puppy a few hours earlier. The weather had been on and off cloudy and maybe a few sprinkles here and there, but definitely nothing to blog about and for sure nothing to carry an umbrella over. But looking back on it, I remember seeing a lot of smart New Yorkers carrying their folded umbrellas as if they could smell the imminent danger--or who knows, maybe they just listened to the weather report.
Unfortunately, Steve lives a good distance from a subway stop and sure enough when Justin and I arose from the subway station it was raining. Not too hard, but enough to get you wet. We looked at each other, smiled, and decided to jog. Everybody else had there big, tent like, canopy of an umbrella umbrellas, but us two idiots just kept on running. We were machines, dodging puddles left and right; spiderman-ing from one awning to the next. Then we struck gold; we could see it across the street... an entire block with scaffolding that was clearly meant to protect us from the elements as we journeyed on. All we needed to do was ford across two intersections and we were safe.
We did it, and just in time because as we arrived at our safe-zone the rain started to come down even harder. Soon the water was past the curb and starting to flood the sidewalk...thank god I can swim. We decided this momentary monsoon would soon pass, but it didn't--it just got harder. At this point (still 5 blocks from our destination) we decided to sit on a stoop and wait it out.
Enter, "The Bitch." And on cue she arrived, dragging her unhappy dog. Most people that had just arrived under our safe haven quickly folded their umbrella and gave us a look of..."Whooo, its crazy out there," and we would share a smile together, because we were all it together. So, accustomed to this pattern of interaction, I readied my smile when She Devil entered the scaffolding. But this little gem of a human folded her umbrella, and to my smile replied with a visual, "Yes, I'm a bitch." I gotta give her credit, at least she knows he she is. Immediately my smile ran away, but she didn't. She just kept staring at me with her ugly soul. Then she opened her mouth and exclaimed, "You're in my way." Wow, apparently I had been sitting on her stoop and my whole ass had been taking up the entire 4 foot wide staircase.
I stood up, not wanting to fight, yet oddly yearning to scratch her eyes out. As the dog was angrily yanked up the stairs behind her, we made eye contact. You could see in this dogs eyes that he desired to be put down years ago even though he was in tip-top shape. The dog wanted--nay, needed my help to be set free, but unfortunately there was another dog that needed my help and her name was Savannah. And if I didn't get to Savannah soon I'd be picking up pooh and mopping up piss off a hardwood floor. So off Justin and I went. 5 more blocks, 4 wet shoes, and 2 soaked shirts later we arrived at Steve's to tend to Savannah. She's a lucky dog and I'm a damn good Doggy God Father.
Oh and the floors were clean :-)